2nd Trimester

glucose experience, my mistake

So technically as of today ive moved on to the 3rd trimester XD

But i figured I would offer an experiance i had because i know i would never want to have it again, and if someone else can avoid it then i would love to help.

So my morning sickness just left a month ago, it loved me so much it stayed for a good part of the second trimester. That being said i worried about this test. I get up ate some toast as instructed and went to take the test. They gave me an option between fruit punch and orange. I had the orange drink when pregnant 4 years ago so i figured i would try the fruit punch. Mistake. I was fine till 45 minutes in and then I almost threw up and had to lay down as while fighting the throw up feeling i felt as though i was going to pass out and almost did.

Anyway as im telling people about this everyone keeps asking me which flavor they gave me. Apparently for everyone i talked to including all the nurses at me doctors office, the orange is easier to stomach. I was still sick the next day. They told me my blood sugar was low and to drink orange juice since its sugary. Needless to say i defiantly passed the test. Just wish someone would have warned me about the fruit punch.

So now i am warning all of you to avoid the experience i had the fruit punch drink is evil. If given a choice take the orange. 

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