2nd Trimester

catching h*ll about food...vent

Before I was pregnant I always watched what I ate and was very conscious of what I was eating.  That hasn't really changed since being pregnant, if anything I'm not conscious.  So the last few days at work I have been craving sweets, like yesterday I went to our cafeteria with the intention of getting an ice cream sandwich, and came back to the office with a thing of cherrios instead.  I decided the cherrios had more vitamins then the ice cream so I opted for that.  The girls in the office gave me a hard time about it! A hard time because I made what I felt like was a better decision.  Then today someone brought fresh baked cookies back from the cafeteria, so I went up to get some and while up there decided to go for a salad with a light sweet honey mustard dressing...again what I felt like was a 'healthier' choice.  So I'm up there filling my plate with greens, and various veggie toppings when some of the girls walk in and start in on me in front of people from other offices up there.  Telling me how I'm eating for 2 now and need to start acting like it, and how this is my free for all time when nobody can say anything about what I eat...they tell me as they are giving me heck about what I'm eating.  It's just so frustrating!  I'm trying to eat healthy and think about what I'm putting in my body, and they just get all backwards about it and give me a hard time because it isn't crap food!  Ugh!! 

 Anybody else catch heck because they are eating healthy or aren't eating hoho's and ding dongs all day because you're pregnant and 'eating for two'?

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