South Florida Babies

moms of 2 (or more)...

A little informal poll here. What did you do differently with your 2nd child than with your 1st? And I'm not talking about the necessary, logistical differences (for example, I know obviously you probably got to spend less alone time with your 2nd than with your 1st)...I mean more in terms of parenting decisions and strategies (like sleeping arrangements, feeding habits, pacifier v. no pacifier, etc.).

As we get closer and closer to baby #2's due date, I am starting to force myself to remember the whole newborn/infant phase and although most of it (esp. the first 2-3 months) are somewhat of a fog, I obviously remember most of the major decisions we made and how we handled her. Overall I think we did a great job and so far I am happy with how my daughter is growing up and developing, but there are other little things here and there that looking back I wish I had handled a little differently. I know I won't really be able to make any set plans before my son is born, because God knows what kind of baby he will be. But I just hope when the time comes, I am smart enough to make some different choices to avoid falling into certain traps and bad habits and that I don't just fall back into the same exact routine I used with my daughter out of comfort when I now know that in the long run, there's a better way of doing things.

So, out of curiosity...what did you change the 2nd time around?!

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