2nd Trimester

Moving over from 1st Tri and question

I am so excited to be moving into 2nd tri! I am still very tired, but that might be due to me not sleeping very well at night. I hope to get some energy back soon.

As for my question, since I have not been sleeping well, people have said that a body pillow woud help. Can you recommend the pillow that you use to help you get comfortable?

 I look forward to getting to know you guys.

TTC #1 Since 9/2010
Progesterone B/W at 11DPO (9/21/2011) - 3.5 (Ovulatory)
HSG (10/3/2011) - Normal!
SA (11/8/11) - Normal except for low morph. (18%)
SA (11/23)- same as above
BFP #1 - 12/16/11
Due date - 8/26/12
Its a BOY!
DS born 9/2/2012
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