2nd Trimester

Hi! Intro and help :)


So I normally post more on the Pregnant after Loss board! But I wanted to introduce myself here and see if I could get some advice! I have had 2 previous miscarriages but am now 17 weeks along!! Woot woot!! :) I'm getting more and more excited with each day but the constant worry something will happen is there too! I want to wish all of you mama's good luck throughout your pregnancy! 

So on to what I need advice about! My best friend for about 2 years is struggling with the fact that I am pregnant. Due to my last 2 losses and the disappointment and heartache that followed when we had to "untell" people we were pregnant, I told her after last time, I just simply was going to wait in the future so the next announcement would hopefully be the real deal! She is also struggling having a LO of her own and has been working on it about half the time hubby and I have been. Similar issues but her's is really getting pregnant. I completely understand where she is at and i understand it is/has been difficult for both of us! I know I am still not completely out of the woods yet either! So when I told her she was obviously upset (completely understandable). However, part of the issue she says is that she had kinda guessed I was prego during the first tri when we weren't telling anyone and I never said I wasn't but would ask her why she thought. She never had a reason. We were very close so it's neat that she just kinda knew. She says she thinks I lied to her and was playing games with her. I honestly think she would have been upset no matter when I told her, but that is just my hunch.

Now she won't really talk to me. She is not a person who normally does well with time, she usually likes to work things out quickly. We kind of talked about it over the phone after she sent an email telling me how she felt, i thought we kinda worked it out but since then she has completely ignored my phone calls and texts. I do not know what to do or even if this is fixable. I think she is being very selfish about this now. I understood she would be upset at first but now the ignoring etc. almost feels spiteful. Does anyone have experience with this or any advice! I open to everything. I love her and want her back in my life, but I think if she can't be even slightly happy for me I don't want her there either. 


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