3rd Trimester

Help confused and ashamed

I was married very young, and I had a beautiful baby girl 2 years after getting married.  I wanted more, and he didn't.  The stress and the toll of that led to a nasty divorce.  My daughter is almost 8, and I have been divorced for 4 years.  I met someone over a year ago, and he has 2 grown children, and we talked about neither of us wanting more children, and I never thought about having a baby again, until yes you guessed it, it happened, I am prego, and I'm in shock....My parents said that the last thing I need in my life right now is another baby, and with everything that continues to go on with my ex-husband they said it's the worse time, and what the hell was I thinking.  My BF seems happy, but he's a really bad liar, and it's suppose to be a happy happy time in a couples life, and I just want to turn the clock back.  My sister is expecting as well, and she thinks I did it for attention, and I'm trying to rain on her parade.  I go back to the doctor next week, and I want to be happy and excited like I was for my daughter especially cause it's a boy.....But with everyone being so negitive, it's kind of hard too...
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