2nd Trimester

Where has time gone!?!

This morning when I signed on I noticed that there is only 103 days left until my due date, where has the time gone... When I took my pg test in October I thought that it would seem like an eternity until LO arrived... now I'm looking back and wondering how time went by so fast!  I remember looking at the calendar before my wedding when we were about 100 day out thinking that I had so much time left to get ready for the big day, and it seemed like I blinked once and was half way down the aisle... Now today I see that we have about 100 days until LO arrives and I feel like "oh my goodness, I need to get my butt in gear, because little man is going to be here so soon!"  It's so exciting but also makes me a little nervous. 

Now I am worried that time is suddenly going to slow down and I'll be so impatient wait for him! <3 

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