3rd Trimester

Spotting at 30 weeks! Help please!

Hello all,

This morning when I got up to use the restroom, I noticed light pink spotting when I wiped, so I wiped again to be sure and there were more light spots, but darker red this time. I don't have any back pain or any pain at all, and everything seems to be fine except for this. Should I call my dr? should I wait and see? I don't think it could be hemorrhoids because when I wiped again I didn't wipe "there". I don't know if it's my bloody show and definitely not my mucus plug because it's just so light or sparse. I'm just so worried, I don't know what to make of it!! p.s. I should probably also note that DH and I had been intimate the night before, could that have had something to do with it? I just need some advice, help please!!

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