Single Parents

How our jail visit went.... (kinda long)

So it's was pretty much my nightmare. XMIL told me since it was a week night chances are they wouldn't be busy. They were swamped and we didn't even end up getting R in until an hour past his bedtime. So on top of beginning a cold he was also WAY over tired. 

He paid no attention to his "grandma" and kept turning his head away from her. It's probably mean on my part but that actually made me happy since she's never around anyways. Then when they were called back he instantly began screaming and crying and reached out for me. It absolutely broke my heart to see his face. I could hear him screaming from the room during the entire 30 minute visit. I was a bit mad because I told XMIL if he became inconsolable to just bring him back out as there is no point in forcing him to sit there while he is having a meltdown. She obviously didn't listen nor did she care.

After the visit he instantly gripped onto me. Then XMIL's lecturing started about how I "won the battle against X and ruined everything for him." Then she started saying how divorce was over the top and I should have just filed for a legal separation so there wouldn't be custody issues. So my husband beats on me numerous times while I'm pregnant and I'm being dramatic by filing for divorce? I told her my actions were not me "trying to win" anything, I was doing what I had to do to protect my child and his father is unsafe for him to be around. Then she said that STBXH is considering just signing over his rights since it's easier than fighting to visit. She continued by saying that he also does not care about his unborn daughter, doesn't want to know when she's born, doesn't want to know her name and wants NOTHING to do with her. XMIL didn't even ask about her. I'm actually happy about that. They don't deserve to know her if that's how it's going to be.

Then I get yelled at for having a serious boyfriend for the last 5 months. Um, seriously? I am pregnant and have a toddler to take care of. I work full time and when I am not working 95% of the time I am completely alone with just my son. I rarely even see my own friends. I'd really like to know where this "serious boyfriend" of mine is because I've never even seen the guy. I wonder where these rumors start. She was also mad that I wouldn't tell her where I was living now. She flat out told me she would tell my ex. I have an OFP against him, the last thing I want is for his psycho butt to know where me and my children reside. That was the entire purpose of me moving.

Even though the visit pretty much went as I expected it still broke my heart to hear these things and to see my baby so miserable being forced to do something he clearly didn't want to do. I cried the entire way home. It's sad that children have to pay for the selfish mistakes of some idiotic parents. I'm just happy I won't have to do any more of these visits. 

It's sad but I truly am hoping R's POS father signs over his rights. Roman deserves better than having to go through this. I'm just grateful he's so young he doesn't truly understand at this point. 


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