October 2012 Moms

I would like to kill my DH.

I know this is mostly hormones because 10 minutes ago, I was fine, but right now I'd like to strangle him! I know that I've had m/s worse than most (lucky me!) and I've tried to suck it up as much as possible. However, he just came in to ask me if I'm ready to go to bed yet and I ended up snapping at him and telling him that frankly, no, I'm not really excited to go lay in bed tossing and turning for hours while he snores next to me. Although I am exhausted every. single. minute., I can't get comfortable enough at night to get any rest. And last night I cried myself to sleep because between the boobs hurting, the back hurting, the nonstop nausea and the exhaustion, I was miserable and just couldn't take it any longer. His response when he hears this? It's to remind me "you wanted to be pregnant"!!!!!

Now the rational side of me knows that this is something we both wanted for a very long time and he is trying to remind me that we should count our blessings and be happy about this, but the irrational side of me wants to slap him and remind him that HE hasn't felt hungover for 3 weeks straight, so HE can shut up!

 Ok, even just typing this out makes me feel better. Thanks for listening (reading?)!

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