2nd Trimester

Men are so thoughtless at times

So I finally told all of the staff at school that I'm pregnant again. This is after losing our son back in July due to pre-term labour/infection at 20 weeks.

One of the male teachers looks at me and says "well, just be careful around M because she really wants a baby". Ummm. Yes, I know that she's going to start fertility treatments, but that lady's been on my prayer list for the last year +, and I didn't get pregnant to spite her. I'm not going to rub her face in the fact that I'm pregnant. Oh, and btw, I lost a baby, so I really want one too!!

Jeeze. I didn't tell you to keep your wife home from the Christmas party because she was going to bring the new baby and upset me. Don't tell me that I can't "be pregnant" around M because it's going to upset her. Men!

 ps: M knows that I pray for her daily.

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