Single Parents


Hello. I'm so glad I found this board! I know I'm not the first mom to get a divorce but I dont know any others going through situations similar to mine and after lurking for a few days, I feel like this is where I should be. At the advice of my lawyer, I don't have a FB account or other social network sites and have to be very careful not to "rant" about the STBXH in any public forum that could be used against me if we end up in court (which it looks like we might). But I see no reason why I can't be on a board to get parenting tips and advice, so here I am!

I have been living in separate residences from the STBXH for over a year, separate rooms for 6 months before that. It's not that I was doubting the need to divorce him, but since I was the one paying the house payment, all the utilities, both our car payments, daycare and both our cell phone bills, I couldn't afford to find an apartment and he refused to move out. It wasn't until things got violent and my work got involved that he finally moved out..

DD adores him, and I'm grateful for that, but he thinks that's a sign I should continue to support him, sign over full custody to him and his mom (who has NEVER liked me or even tried to keep it a secret that she wanted to raise DD as her own before she was even born) and pretend nothing ever happened. Anyway, because of state laws we had to be physically separated for 12 months before filing for the divorce, so now my stuff is with the lawyer and I'm waiting to hear back from her to move forward.

So, I have an amazing, beautiful 2.5 year old daughter. She's my world and I can't imagine life without her. I can't say I regret my marriage to that... not nice word... because I have her, but if I could have gotten her without all the drama of him, things would have been way better! And that is all, so hi!

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