3rd Trimester

Cats and Babies

So, this may be a totally stupid post, and if it is, SORRY!  :)  We have two cats, neither declawed, and we are expecting our first baby.  DH doesnt want them declawed in case they get outside, but I want them declawed so they dont hurt LO.  We keep them trimmed up, but you still just never know.  THey are less than 2 years old, so I dont feel like it would be tramatizing for them to get declawed. DH is completely against it.  I dont want to put them outside permanently because, well, to be honest, we have one of the stupidest cats ever born.  The other would be totally fine outside, but the one...shes just not smart.  she is super cute and super loving, but just dingy.  i guess I woud be open to someone adopting them if they were going to take both and keep them inside, but I would miss them so much!   What would you do, or is there anyone out there that has cats with claws inside with baby?
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