Single Parents

For The Love Of GOD...

The ex just bought a new car.  Well, it's not new.  It's used...but you understand.  He went from not having a car payment to now having a $300 monthly car note and insurance went up to $145.  That's $445.  Since he moved out a month ago his rent is weekly and cost $135...that's $520 in a month with four Fridays.  He also has a phone bill of $50 a month.  These are the bills that I KNOW of right now.  Total equals $1015.  He has told me that he makes $350 a week which comes out to $1400 (now this can go up from time to time due to the way mechanics are paid based on flagged hours, flat rate, yadda yadda. But I'm working with worse case scenario since he rarely flags more than 20 hours).  Leaving him $400 a month for food, gas, tp, etc.  Needless to say he has bought nothing for babygirl, ever.  And plans on spending his $180 tax return on new work boots.  (<---just thought I'd throw that in there).  What I'm wondering is:  Do they do a debt-income ratio when determining CS?  I'm in FL.  If they do, I am screwed.
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