2nd Trimester

Breaking Free- family and religion-rant

My family is super religious, they always have been the whole lot of them.  DH and I are not, we have faith in God but don't believe in set religious affiliation. 

I grew up Lutheran in the Missouri Synod and I disagree with certain things that they teach.  DH grew up baptist but has switched churches many times in the past.

Neither of us want to be members of a set religion, the more we talk it over with each other the more we have come to realize that we would be happiest joining the Unitarian church here in town just for the extra fellowship and community.  I am very comfortable with this decision and believe it will be what is best for me, DH, and LO.  

Unfortunately, my family doesn't understand.  They are furious with my decision to not bring my child up LCMS even though I agreed to have our child baptised in a traditional ceremony.  They have tried compromising by asking us to join a different Christian based church, but DH and I don't feel it's right for us.  I leave church angry and frustrated, not at peace and happy with my decisions.  

How do I express this to my family? so far I have just decided to explain to them that we are trying something different to see if it works for us and that I am not giving up on my beliefs all together.  

Has anyone else gone through this?  My family feels like I am completely disrespecting them because I don't agree with the religion they feel expresses them best. 

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