2nd Trimester

What to say to people when...

I'm so sick of people hinting, beating around the bush, or just coming right out and saying that we should get rid of our dogs.  I was actually told today that I'm "foolish" for not giving them away.

We adopted both of my dogs and they are part of my family.  I can't imagine every giving them up!  One is a mix that's about 55lbs and has been with us for 5+years and the other is a coonhound weighing in at 65lbs and she's been with us since she was born 4 years ago.  I know they are bigger dogs, but from my experience (my last dog was a little Yorkie) the bigger dogs are so much easier!  And calmer.  LOL

I feel like one of the reasons they say things like that is because our mix dog sometimes has the look of a pit bull...  but she's actually a boxer/beagle mix.

So I've been trying to keep it polite when people say things like that and usually just say something like, "Well my husband and I have trained our dogs." "We're going to supervise them when they are around the baby." etc...  but people won't let it drop.

What would you say?

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