Upstate NY Babies

Thoughts/ideas about going back to school

So I've complained, many times, about the lack of jobs in my career field (School Counseling) and with the state/school budgets it doesn't look like anything will be changing anytime soon.  I apply for jobs in all kinds of fields but fall in the over qualified category so I don't get anywhere, or even interviews.  After talking about it with DH, I know I've got to start figuring out something to do or some kind of program to look into.  One idea I had was looking into doing some sort of program through BOCES, like a phlebotomy program.  The one I looked into was a 10 week evening course, followed by 16 clinical hours, then you work for a year and then sit for the exam.  The program is pretty affordable-$700 but I need to still go to the information session and find out about some questions I have, here's what I came up with so far:

-Graduate rate of employment

-Exactly how the year after completing the course/before taking the exam works

-Average pay for our area

-If any financial aid is available

-Days/time of the course/clinical hours

Any questions that I'm obviously missing?   Any other similar programs that anyone can think of?  Or has anyone gone through a program like this? I really don't want to/can't afford handle going back to school for a couple of years with 2 little kids, plus an already ridiculous amount of student loans.  TIA! 

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