3rd Trimester

Embarrassing night at hospital, I just want my baby out!!!

Yesterday I was feeling really weird, just a bit "off" and had a weird feeling. Then I went to the bathroom, finished peeing, and when I stood up liquid trickled down my leg and onto the floor. I smelt it and it didn't smell like anything and was clear. I thought it was my water breaking! I'm GBS+ so we started getting ready to go to the hospital. We got there and were hooked up to the machines and checked. Turns out it wasn't my water breaking, but I peed on myself!! ughhhhh! The nurses said it was really common with the baby's head and weight pressing down on the bladder etc., but how embarrassing!!! They checked my cervix and I'm starting to dilate, but nothing too exciting. I was having contractions but nothing too impressive (sharp pains down there), so after all the wondering we went home at midnight. 

I couldn't help but cry though - I just felt so disappointed that it wasn't the 'real deal' and I'm exhausted of being pregnant! I want my baby! Tired of people asking me if anything is happening! Haha. Anyone with me??? 



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