2nd Trimester

Watery Discharge (maybe TMI)

I am sure you all are sick of my posts..But this is my first pregnancy and I just want to make sure all is ok without bugging the hell out of my OB.

So about 20 minutes ago, I stood up at work and i felt a tiny bit of fluid leak. It wasn't much..I know my discharge has increased but this was more wet than normal discharge..I went to the bathroom and it looked like very watery clear discharge..no blood and no odor with it..it was soaked through....I haven't been up and walking around since then so so far no more has come out..Has anyone else had this issue? Is this discharge normal? I am having cramps but I am still getting over a stomach bug from the past 4 days and the cramping in no different. (BTW..I am 14 weeks tomorrow)



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