D.C. Area Babies

When, how to begin potty training? (long, sorry)

I am terrified of starting potty training. We have purposefully put it off because my LO has dealt with 2 moves in the past 6 months and has a sibling due in about a month. Its been many big changes that we have tried to pace her on. (But she hasn't missed a beat!)

Having said that I think she is giving cues that she may be ready. She has a BM at the same time everyday (after lunch) and sometimes stays dry during nap time. She knows when she goes, but doesn't want to be changed. She is interested in the potty and we put her on a little ring on the toilet when she asks, but she doesn't go.

However, I am not in the mood to potty train a 25 month old at 9 months pregnant. I also don't see it being a good idea for either of us after the baby comes (at least not right away.)

More information that may be helpful: We have her twin bed arriving tomorrow. My plan for that is just to let her initiate when she wants to move out of the crib and into the bed. She could wait 2-3 months because its a month till the new baby is due and even then, we plan on keeping the new baby in our room for about 6-8 weeks.

I also plan to return back to work around July (SAHM now.) I am assuming its still possible to potty train a toddler when working, but thought maybe its easier when I am home?

Any advice is welcome. When you would start or wait in my situation, what books you read to prepare, what method you used... This feels daunting. A piece of me feels like I am not allowed to start anything new with her due to a new sibling being so close to being here. At the same time, life continues on...?

Congratulations on reading a novel this evening. Embarrassed

And thank you.



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