2nd Trimester

informed vs. uninformed

So my first pregnancy I was 19. I didnt crack a pregnancy book, join a website, and when i looked at the magazines I mostly just looked at the products. I lived off lunchables and cold meat sandwiches. My baby had bumper pads and i took any meds my very strict doctor approved when needed.

Now this pregnancy ive joined this website and even read a few magazine articles. Yesterday i read one that says taking tylenol can give your baby asthma, today i just read on another post not to use icy hot (my doctor told me to use it for tailbone pain a month ago) I actually had a person try to tell me i cant change my own lightbulbs.

Im starting to think i like being less informed. I feel some of the things i read or hear are to the extreme. Telling this to someone else they looked at me like i am the worst mom ever. Am i the only one who thinks that some rules put out in pregnancy are unnecessary or should i be sitting in the dark waiting for my husband to come home to put in a new light bulb?

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