Single Parents

DS visiting Daddy in jail....

So STBXH changed his mind about not wanting to see our son and had his mother email me. She wants me to bring R to see his father tomorrow night.

The thing that makes me nervous is he hasn't seen his father or his "grandma" (I quote that word since she's been absolutely nothing to him since he's been born) in over 4 months. She has to bring him in obviously since I have an OFP against my ex and the jail wouldn't allow us to see each other even if I wanted to.

They get a 30 minute visit and DS has to sit on XMIL's lap while staring at daddy through thick glass and "talk" through a phone.

Has anyone had any sort of experience with their child seeing their father in jail? I'm worried about how he is going to handle it and react to his dad since he hasn't seen him in so long and he really doesn't like "grandma" too much. At the same time I'm glad it's happening because I don't want ex to get out of jail and immediately begin visits with our son where I won't be there and DS hasn't seen him at all for months. I'm just not sure how to handle R through all of this and what his reaction is going to be. He is overly attached to me and all I can picture is my screaming baby being pulled from my arms by my psycho XMIL to see his prison bird father. Ugh. R has never been attached to his dad so I don't see huge smiles and giggles coming from this experience.

P.S. The court system is run by morons for court ordering me to bring my baby to see his father. He should NOT be allowed visits in jail. Period. 


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