2nd Trimester

Are spray tans safe?

Going on our baby moon this week and was wondering if it was safe to get an airbrush tan?
Age 32, Diagnosed with Premature ovarian aging due to autoimmunity. AMH 1.17, E2 78, FSH 7.9 HSG-reveals tubal disease and apparent endometriosis DH's SA-normal Positive for thyroid antibodies, Crohn's disease 8/27/11-huge 58 mm cyst 1st IVF cycle canceled :( 9/20/11-2nd attempt at IVF cycle 1. Microdose Lupron Protocol 9/30-AF day 2 all clear! start Lupron 10 units 2x's/day 10/13-Egg retreival 10/16 transferred 2 embies! 10/30-BFP! Beta #1 685 11/1 Beta #2 1736 BabyFruit Ticker
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