3rd Trimester

What is considered high risk?

So Im 32 weeks pregnant (33 wks on Friday) and i go to my OB every week now and last week he asked me if i had been seeing any High Risk doctors and I told him no because i wasnt aware that i was high risk. i am a lil over weight but ive only gained around 8 lbs as of my apt last week and everything has been going normal (no hbp, or pre-e) so far other than i did get GD but it was very mild i only failed one of my tests during the 2-hr glucose test and it is controlled with watching my diet i dont have to take pills or insulin or anything but my question is would GD be a reason for me to be considered high risk? cuz other than that they havent said anything is wrong so i was confused when he asked me that last week.
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