2nd Trimester

XP - Retinal Detachment

I have severe myopia (nearsightedness) and was diagnosed with lattice degeneration a few years ago - basically my retinas are very thin due to the strain from being so nearsighted, which increases the risk of retinal tears, holes and detachment. I went to the eye doc last month because I was seeing occasional flickers in my peripheral vision, but everything looked OK and I guess flashes and flickers can also be common with LD.

Anyway, I stupidly Googled retinal issues and childbirth and found some information that says vaginal births are not recommended due to the strain of pushing....my eye doc has never said anything about this to me (also knows I am pregnant now). I am upset at the thought of not even getting the chance to try a vaginal delivery and having to plan a c-section. Of course I plan to talk to my OB about it at the next appointment, but I am just feeling down and anxious about this. Does anyone else have a similar situation or know of any information on the topic?
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