3rd Trimester

Ever feel this way? (kind of a rant)

Im 35 weeks pregnant, and while some women loved their pregnancies and even miss being pregnant, I've hated it since I was 5 weeks along. I've had HG throughout my pregnancy(still on the zofran which still barely helps) so its made it completely miserable. Not to mention that Ive gotton varicosities and hemorrhoids since I was 26 weeks along.. which of course has meant that what got me pregnant just doesnt happen anymore because of the pain(sorry for the tmi). Plus my son has decided to bunker down on my sciatic nerve and refuses to move! oh and theres the fact that ive gone into false labor(the contractions were so painful that all i could do was vomit and shake) back at 31 weeks and keep getting braxton hicks that hurt(ya know.. ones that last all day and wont let you sleep). And when i was bleeding at 28-32 weeks I got told to deal with the unusualness of my pregnancy and put on bed rest for over a month. So Ive gone the past two nights with maybe 3 or 4 hours total of sleep.. and not being able to keep down more than some gaterade and tomato soup. Its so frustrating to feel like crap every single day for over 8 months.. yet if I dare say that I hate pregnancy people are so cruel and rude about it. Have any of you ever felt this way.. where your just so ready to have the pregnancy over? Heck I've wished several times that I could just go in, get knocked out, and wake up with a baby in my arms instead of my belly..  is that So bad? and if not then why do people act like im some overdramatic person, or a bad person? rawr! okay rantings done..
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