2nd Trimester

Leaking... LOL

Yeah, I was hoping to avoid this little problem but alas I am leaking. I know it's normal and just my bodies preparations for the baby to nurse but it was still a little weird to see for the first time. After a lot of emotions over how I'm feeling about this I got the best thing for it, laughter.  So my conversation with my boyfriend went something like this today:

Me: I feel like a cow. 

BF: You're not a cow. 

Me: Cows have milk.

BF: So do chickens.

Me: ............. LOL!

 A note on my dear boyfriend. He is a very intelligent man who's mouth sometimes works before he finishes processing what he was meaning to say. Poor man, knows very well chickens don't have milk but I was too busy laughing to hear his explanation. I am a country girl and was absolutely in tears laughing so hard. I told him later that he couldn't have said anything better to completely change my mood about this. I truly love that man. Just had to share.

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