3rd Trimester

FTM and I dont like not knowing when...

So this is my first pregnancy to make it this far. Im so excited! Im 38 weeks tomorrow. However, Im a planner...I cant help it, I just am. I dont like not knowing when the baby will come.

I know so many other pregnant people right now and some of them are barely 36 weeks and wishing for the baby to be born. I am not one of them. Being 38 weeks, I know its pretty safe but I dont mind waiting until my due date. Hubby and I have so much to do still and I want to finish it all before our baby comes.

HOWEVER, I have been miserable this week. I have been slowly loosing my mucus plug (TMI sorry), I have been having contractions like crazy but nothing consistant, been feeling sick, having mentrual-like cramps, SEVERE lower back pain, etc... etc...

Doc told me last week Monday that they will start doing the internal exams tomorrow and just to start prepping since the baby could arrive anytime between now and my due date.

I know its impossible to tell, but is it possible the baby is coming soon? All the symptoms have been getting worse everyday.

I have my hospital bag packed but we just bought a new car and need to register it and then get the carseat installed and finish the nursery. Im starting to get worried that the baby will be here before we are ready for him.

Im so conflicted, I want my baby here but I also want to be ready.

Anyone else in the same position? Am I worrying for nothing? Or is it just 3rd trimester nesting turning into anxiety? lol

Also anything I can do to make all my symptoms go down so I can make these last couple weeks more comfortable?

Sorry there are so many questions, I am new to all this.

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