2nd Trimester

when to talk to boss about after baby plans?

I told my boss I was pregnant pretty much as soon as I found out.  But he thinks I am coming back full time after baby is born.  My husband and I decided that it will be much better for baby (and for me) to only work part time after baby comes, if that.  When should I plan to talk to my boss about it?  I was thinking late April/early May (I'm due in July).  I don't know how he's going to react, so I don't want to tell him too early and have to come in to work for the next 4 months with him being pissed at me- that would be uncomfortable.  If I do plan to come back, I also need to talk to him about the leave.  The company is very small so FMLA doesn't apply unfortunately.  Only one other woman I work with had a baby recently and she came back after 6 weeks.  Yikes!  I cannot imagine leaving a 6 week old.  No way.  So I hope he doesn't expect me to do the same as her...

I don't know about other states, but I feel like here in VA there are no rights or support for pregnant women/moms.  UGH!

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