Upstate NY Babies

Is it just me (scheduling)

I'm trying to schedule the week to stay busy, since it is Feb break for the kids and I don't want to just sit around all day.

Anyway I've told a couple people what days I still have open, and one replied that Mon or Tues works.  I e-mailed her back that I'm down to just Monday, and she hasn't gotten back to me.

... so .. what do I do?  Go ahead and make other plans?  I'm going to be really annoyed if she leaves me hanging and I have nothing else planned.

Is it just me though?  I want to schedule out my week and people don't seem to want to commit til like the day/night before, if they even get back to me.  Even if I know something is a sure thing, then I don't know what time we're meeting, so for instance DD has a dental appt on Tuesday and another mom invited us over, but I have no idea what time I'm supposed to go.. so then I don't want to be a jerk and cancel because it turns out it was a conflict.

I'm frustrated.

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