
XP from BF board: Low supply BM after C-Sec

Posted this on the BF board, but hought some other CS mommas could help since I've heard CS can affect milk supply....

LO is now 9 days old and we've not gotten the latch down still.  While in the hospital still, nurses and LC's encouraged suplimenting since she wouldn't latch- which we did.  I still began to pump, but now looking back, it was only every 4-5hrs and not 24/7.  Now a week later, still not latching, we're still having to supliment(I'd say 80%), and I started the every 2hr pump yesterday(to total aprox 10x/ day) to work on increasing supply- with my goal to move to EPing and no formula. 

The most I've been able to pump is between 3 and 15ml, with about 10 being the average.  Is this looking like a long term supply issue?  Did anyone have a simmilar situation and was able to increase supply to make enough to EP(or anywhere close)?  How long on average did it take to increase?

Between the 2-3 LC's at the hospital + the one at our Ped, we've tried several different 'schedules' over the past week and I'm affraid it's screwed up the consistancy.

- LO was C-sec at 39 wks
- I've upped water intake starting yesterday until I was about to float away, eating oatmeal
- I'm using a hospital grade Medela(starting last Thursday, used an older pump from Tues-Wed)
- Apparently I have moderate inverted nipples which is part of the latching problem
- Pedi doesn't reccomend using Fenugreek or any of the other natural products...going to do some research on this on my own today.

Any thoughts or help is GREATLY appreciated!  I'm getting frustrated and don't want to use formula, but I'm not seeing much hope...
BFP #1 on 2.13.11, MM/C 04.11.11 @ 12W, 1D
BFP #2 on 6.6.11 - Happy Birthday Brooks 2.11.12
BFP #3 on 11.14.12, M/C 12.3.12 @ 7W, 1D

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