Single Parents

BD didn't show up again!

So my son's father was supposed to pick him up today and of course he didn't and I havn't heard from him since Thursday when he asked if he could have him today.(Technically it is his Sunday to have him). I honestly should have know he wasn't going to show up. I swear everytime I make plans to go out and do something when my son is with his father he NEVER gets him.

I refuse to text him to find out if he's even coming because 1 if we ever go back to court I can say hey look he didnt show up again and he didn't tell me he wasn't coming. And 2 it will just start a huge fight so im just not doing it. And I'm not being nice about him getting him any other days this week. But I'm sure somehow it will be MY fault because he didn't come get him today. I swear he knows the right buttons to push to piss me off.

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