3rd Trimester

Vent about "friend"

You don't have to even read or respond I'm just so angry right now.

I've been somewhat friends with this girl for years we're not that close but we've stayed in touch since grade 3.  She knows about the baby and is very happy for us we have been talking more lately but had recently asked me who would be my daughters god mother. I have chosen my best friend we have been friends since we were 3 years old and attached at the hip for most of our lives. Not so much since I've moved 5 hours away but we are still very close. Well this friend is angry that I haven't chosen her to be the god mother so she went behind my back and asked my husband what he thought of the decision and how she feels it should be her.

 I mean really do you think that going behind my back and trying to get my husband to side with you is going to change my decision. And then tells me that I should have 2 god mothers because thats what she did with one of her sons..... Oh and yes she has 2 boys and I am not the god mother for either of them. Not that I care or have ever expected to be, because like I said we're not that close.

 Hubby is on my side seeing as we have made the decision together. And told her that maybe she should talk to me about it. She said no she didn't want to maybe he could do it for her.  The best part is there not friends they met once, she did all this over facebook. So he tells me about this little conversation because he didn't want this coming back on him lol... I'm a little hormonal lately. Now I'm ready to kill her for going behind my back and trying to get my husband to side against me.  I'm sure I'm over reacting, I'm just so mad.

Anyway thanks for letting me vent


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