2nd Trimester

To take a childbirth class....or not?

I'm currently 25 weeks and beginning to think about childbirth classes.

I'm not totally clueless as to what goes on, although this is my first. In asking close friends and family members, I've got mixed responses as to if the classes were helpful to those that attended. 

I'm very much a "planner" and like to know what I'm going to experience ahead of time, but I'm also a worrier. I feel like if I get too much information or answers to "what-if" questions, I'm going to psych myself up for something not worth worrying about. 

In the end, I know that my body will handle birth differently than others, and that one way or another the process will continue, despite any knowledge that I do/don't have ahead of time.

How many of you really felt that the classes were worth it? If you didn't take classes prior to your first birthing experience, do you wish you would have?

Share your thoughts, please!

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