2nd Trimester

She's a girl!

I just had to share this.

Not being able to see my baby was driving my crazy. I haven't had any 'proper' prenatal care and I've been worrying constantly about baby. Today we did a gender reveal u/s: we knew it couldn't diagnose any problems but we also knew we'd at least be able to see if there were any deformities, and best of all, we'd find out who's squirming around in there...

...and it's a girl! I'm SO happy. We both wanted a girl because I carry a very rare (and weird) genetic condition where if my first child is male, he will eventually be blind. He'll be able to see from birth, but gradually lose his sight; and the condition varies so much that he could be blind in his his teens or he could go blind in his fifties. What makes it weird is it would only happen if the first baby was male: any other baby boys would be fine. DH and I would of course love him no matter what, but I had such a strong feeling this baby was a girl that I was really worried I'd be disappointed or worse, upset, if they said it was a boy. I mean I've had to stop myself thinking about my daughter's future lately because I suddenly realised I hadn't even considered the baby being a boy...

But we're team pink! We have what we always wanted! :D
Just wanted to share, because I'm so extremely happy :)

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