Upstate NY Babies

Been one of those days...

and I just want to cry.  E was so bad today, and has been frequently lately.  The only behavior that really gets to me, is the hitting, pushing, throwing things at A.  I feel like we have tried every method of discipline/rewarding for good behavior, that I am just at a loss.  He is an ANGEL when we are out and about.  Polite, no tantrums ever, follows all directions..  We get home and he goes nuts and it is always targeted at A.  I just feel bad for A, because he seems to get no time to just play by himself on the floor, without E going right after him, or us constantly trying to get E to stop.  Sorry for the vent, but I just needed to get that out.  DH came home from work and just took both of them out to B&N, to give me a break. I will probably go out to run to burn some of this negative energy off....
imageimage PHOTO Credit: Meryl :)Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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