2nd Trimester

I'm on the fence about being a working mom vs stay at home mom

I'm not looking for input really - I guess just empathy.  Anyone else on the fence?  I have two kids - a 2  year old and a 4 1/2 year old and a baby on the way.  I've done a great job of the work life balance and feel blessed to have been able to do it this long.  I love my job.  I've moved up and love the work I do.  I get paid well, great benefits, fullfilling work, yada, yada. 

 But the whole reason I've done so well is the support from my husband.  He worked from home and I loved the idea my son wouldn't need before and after care once in Kindergarten.  However my husband just lost that job.  

So obviously I can't be a stay at home mom right now since we have one income.  But he's looking and got two job offers in less than a week of unemployement - which is unbelieveable!  But he'll most likely be commuting an hour or so.  Which leaves me to drop the kids, go to work to be in a demanding job, pick up the kids, make dinner, he'll come home.  I can handle it with two - but not so sure I can keep this up with three.  The laundry alone would be a full-time job : ) 

 Anyone else on the fence?  Please tell me I'm not alone : ) 

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