3rd Trimester

Hello Ladies!

According to all my books and even the notification from TB to let me know all about week 27 says this is the start of 3rd tri .. soooo, I've come to join you!!

Second mom here! DD#1 will be 6 and new LO is a girl too! Total surprise! Was diagnosed in 2009 with PCOS, was really unclear as to what that was. After awhile of reading up and testing, got the jist of it. Went in for my routine pelvic u/s for the cysts and for my scheduled brain MRI to rule out a pituitary tumor .. u/s was first .. 3mins into the MRI I was pulled out and told that the Dr's see an embryo. TOTAL SHOCK! The man administering the MRI had just gotten done telling me all about his and his wife's struggle with PCOS and showed me pictures of their handsome boys that they adopted. Maybe he was my good luck?

Wedding is set for September 8, 2012. Was in the middle of planning when we found this out. Decided to keep the date and now we'll have 2 flower girls! 

Due May 19th (: or somewhere around there! We've been given a few different dates!

Nice to meet you all!! 

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