Upstate NY Babies

FCUK! Anyone know anything about pneumonia?

So, we've been dealing with a light cold the past two weeks - all of us have had it but it's basically gone. It just lingered forever!

A kid in Evan's class had pneumonia last week - was sent home Wed or Thurs I think. Yesterday evening Evan started coughing more. Today he's coughing even more. He seems fine, no fever. I don't even know what else to really look for..

I can't decide if he is just still dealing with this lingering cold or if he picked up something new?

Don't you NEED antibiotics for pneumonia? Would I really KNOW if he had it?

My kids have only ever had mild colds - and Evan had the flu a year ago...but that's it. So I don't have experience with this, haha!

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