2nd Trimester

Cruddy sickly week (vent)

Gross illness whining ahead: I can't be the only one who's been sick for about seven hundred years now, can I? Pre-pregnancy I was hardly ever sick, maybe once a year. I got a cold Christmas Eve and ever since it's been a week of sniffles, a week of coughing, more sniffles, a week feeling better, and this week another major cold and what I'm thinking may be turning into a sinus infection.

 Not to mention I have an abscessed tooth that I'm on antibiotics for (no dental insurance, so I'm waiting on my tax return for a root canal), which usually is just mildly swollen with no pain but today has been constant intense throbbing.

 And I woke up this morning to find my massively chapped upper lip had become a giant cold sore. Just in time for the customer coming in to town that my bosses have been preparing for weeks for. The bosses who never (not once in the 5 years I've been there) introduce the rest of the office staff to the customers who come in? Yea... today it was, "And this is Nichole..." Um, with her giant herpes. Hullo.

You'd think all these vitamins I'm hopped up on would HELP the immune system. Blarg. Anyone else been sick for ages? Least I lucked out on the m/s front.

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