Single Parents

I may be joining you ladies. Just don't know what to do anymore.

My h and I have not had an easy go of it. But the last month has gone from what I thought was totally fine to hell. About a month ago he went to a psychiatrist for what I thought was anxiety issues ( basically just a second opinion on meds) and excessive sleeping which I really had connected the two together. He cam home with an anti depressant the first time he saw him to help him sleep at night. And then the next week with a prescription  for ADHD meds. He immediately changed into someone that I do not know! Although he has had moments of clarity. He would have a couple days here and a day there where everything would be perfect and we would talk and get everything figured out and the next day that person is gone. Also he experienced a cardiomyopathy about a year and a half ago 5 days in the ICU I found him in the garage and had to resuscitate him and I was 8 months pregnant. Yeah found out yesterday that he "knows" what happened as in he took something at our counselors appt. because of that he sustained a brain injury leaving him with short term memory loss. He now not only has been completely different because of his meds/ cruel at times which he NEVER was when we resolve something he forgets what we decided or worked out and his memory has gone down the tubes. I have been blamed for everything and everything hurtful you could say to someone has been said to me. We had never spent a night away from each other since our dd was born and in the last month we haven't even made a week at a time without him leaving at my request because he will start screaming and acting aggressive. How the hell am I going to do this on my own. Am I just being "pregnant and hormonal" which is the new fun thing his family blames it all on. This isnt even half of it honestly between things being said and trust which had never been an issue being destroyed. And all in a month!!!!!!! 
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