Upstate NY Babies


Do you freak about spiders?

I found one in R's room when he was getting ready for bed. I hid my freak out from him and stepped on it, but then was super distracted while reading books..... doing the whole room check. I hate thinking what would happen if I didn't see it, yuck. I know I never could see them all but still.

Why do the exist, I hate them! I wish there was a proven device to keep them away. Anyone think those plug in things (ulta sonic or whatever) work? Maybe a coincidence but I have one in my basement and have not had a mouse yet this year. We usually have a couple (yes, even with 3 cats) down there that we catch every year, although it could be the mild weather too. 

I do spray the Home Defense 2x a year outside, but don't really want to spray the bedrooms. 

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