Single Parents

Recommended custody/visitation schedule for 6-month-old?

Hi, I've posted on here a few times before... I'm slowly trying to work up the courage to formalize a parenting agreement with LO's father.  He and I are on good terms but do not cohabit and have dated on and off for the past 7 years, and so far he has informally being splitting daycare & diaper expenses with me, and done alright.

Currently he takes the baby off my hands about 1 or 2 overnights per month, and he usually visits us for dinner at my house about once a week.  I would like to formalize some sort of arrangement so that I can rely on him to provide baby care on certain days or times -- right now, it's totally random and short-term notice, which drives me nuts because I feel like I always have to "ask him" for a "break."  I also recognize now and espeically as our daughter grows, she will really need consistency in her life and establishing regular "daddy days" is a huge part of that.

I don't want either of us wasting our money on legal fees if we can avoid it (and we probably can), but I don't even know where to begin.  What is a typical visitation schedule for a baby that young?  I feel like the court process is so formalized and overly adverserial where it pits me against him, instantly triggering everyone's anger and defense mechanisms.  Any advice from other on-good-term parents as to the best way to approach this?

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