3rd Trimester

Possible pre-labor?

Last night I woke up around 11:30pm needing to use the bathroom and with a small, period like cramp. When I went to lay in bed I started getting horrible, period feeling cramps that went straight through to my back. I didn't pay attention to the first couple since sometimes I have BH contractions for a little while and then they go away. But once I started keeping track, they were coming every 8-10 minutes for a little over 2 hours. I tried changing positions and that didn't help. I should mention that last night about 3 hours before the contractions started, SO and I decided to "do the deed" (my hormones have been CRAZY lately, I wasn't trying to bring on labor or anything). I decided we didn't need to go to the hospital until the contractions got stronger/ closer together. Then at about 2:30am I finally fell asleep. I woke up a couple of times after that with the same contractions but quickly fell asleep. Then I woke up at 6:00am and had the same contractions (about 7-8 minutes apart) for a little under an hour and fell asleep. When I woke up I felt a ton of pressure down below and could tell LO was sitting way lower then usual.

These contractions felt different then my normal BH contractions. My entire stomach didn't get hard when I had them and normally BH contractions aren't painful for me. I have had a couple of contractions today but not many and they weren't close together.

Has anybody else experienced anything like this? Is it pre-labor or something else? TIA!

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