2nd Trimester

2nd+ time moms

Does anyone else feel like others are less excited for this pregnancy as they were for the first pregnancy? I feel overall most family/friends just don't seem as excited (or even excited at all really) about this pregnancy like they were with our first.

With our first the grandparents were SO excited as it was their first grandchild, but now with this being the second no one really says anything or acknowledges it..ever. It is starting to make me feel a little sad for this baby since I feel like this child is already getting forgotten and "left out".

My husband pointed out that for us it is more noticeable because we know how hard of a journey it was this time around getting to where we are now, but to others it may seem like not as big of a deal. I just can't help but get a little sad though when no one mentions this child. I am so happy that everyone loves our DD so, but my heart breaks a little for this child.

Tell me I am not the only hormonal mom crying over something this silly? 

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