2nd Trimester

Three hour glucose test--not that bad!

I found out yesterday that I failed my one hour glucose test (ugh). My blood sugar was 151 so not terrible, but definitely a fail. It was 131 with my previous pregnancy three years ago, so I was expecting it to be close.

So I went today to do the three hour test (I was going to wait until next week but decided it would just make me more anxious to put it off).  And honestly....it wasn't so bad at all. I'm not sure what to attribute it to, but I honestly felt worse during the one hour. Very jittery at first, I could not make myself stop fidgeting, and then totally lethargic as the hour went on. I was so tired driving home that I had to force myself to really concentrate to be safe. This time I felt a bit like that the first hour but by the second hour I pretty much felt normal and felt just fine at the end of the test. I'm hoping this is a positive sign! If I didn't see the drinks myself (they were in individual bottles with the glucose content labeled), I would think they mixed them up or something.

I was hungry by the end of the test--definitely ready for lunch--but not starving and miserable throughout. I am normally a person who eats very regularly, but I guess all the glucose kept me feeling full, even after fasting beforehand.

I brought my laptop to watch DVD's on and a book and my ipod and while I wouldn't sit in a lab for three hours for fun, it was a good deal better than a plane ride. And while having your blood drawn 4 times isn't particularly enjoyable, it was not a big deal. I'm blessed with easy veins though.

 I've read so many horror stories about the three hour test that I just wanted to share a (relatively) positive experience. It was definitely not the torture I was expecting it to be. 

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