3rd Trimester

Would you call/go in? (TMI)

Ok, I think I know the answer to this, but I'm posting anyway.

When I woke up today (at 11:30 - don't judge me), I noticed that I had been leaking something - definitely not urine. It was watery and a bit of a larger amount than my normal discharge usually is. Enough to soak through my pajama shorts but not wet the sheets. Since then, I've continued to leak small amounts of clear watery fluid, but I'm not sure if it's just the increased vaginal discharge I've been hearing about or if it's amniotic fluid.

I know I should probably call my OB but it just doesn't "feel" like this is the real thing since I have no contractions or anything going on, and it's just a slow leak - not a gush.

My questions are - would you call your OB (knowing that they're going to say to come in) or wait to see if the leaking continues/gets worse?

And number 2 - are they able to check to see if it's amniotic fluid at my OB's office, or will I have to go to the hospital? DH is an ER doctor at the hospital where I'll be delivering, so I really, really don't want to go in (through the ER), pass all of his coworkers, and then find out that it's just increased vaginal discharge and have to tell them all.

(DH is asleep after a 24 hour shift, which is why you all get to hear the details of my vagina instead of him. I don't want to wake him unless I have to.) 

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