Upstate NY Babies

TGIF!! Weekend plans?

Morning ladies, Happy Friday!  Any fun plans this weekend?

Tonight: DH is going to the hockey game.  I will be hanging out with the girls and giving them baths.  After they go to bed I'll work on laundry and some cleaning.  I'll also do the walking video, take a shower and hopefully catch up on the DVR.

Saturday: Maybe go out to breakfast if everyone is awake on time.  Our car was part of a recall so I have to take it to get it fixed at 10:00.  Possibly grocery shopping sans kiddos during nap time.  We're planning on our first family hockey game as long as the weather is alright to take Audrey, so that should be fun!

Sunday: DH & I are dropping the girls off with the ILs and heading to IKEA to do some shopping for our kitchen.  We'll have dinner at home with the girls and then just relax in the evening.

Have a great weekend everyone!

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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