2nd Trimester

Teared Up A Little At the A/S (happy news)

I was convinced we were team blue. In fact, we don't even have a short list of girl names. FIL said "OurLastName men don't make girls."  There are no women in DH's family by blood for 2 generations. Even a female cousin who was my last drop of hope is adopted. So I consigned myself to the fact that I was going to have 2 boys. Honestly when it comes right down to it, of course I'm fine with that. I just wanted to plan a wedding and pick a prom dress. Those of you who know me know that I have a terrible relationship with MIL and that old saying keeps going through me head: "A son is yours til he takes a wife a daughter is a friend for life." I see DH ignore his mother and she goes to crazy lengths to get his attention but I go to breakfast with my mom every Sunday and call her to shop or come visit regularly. ANYWAY, I think you can see that I had way over thought the whole thing and when the u/s tech said "looks like you're going to have to work on that girl name list" I was so excited I cried a little bit. Just a tear or two. :) I couldn't even sleep last night. I was on Totsy & Zulily & Etsy all night looking at dresses. Haha. My 18 yr old tomboy self would kick my own butt. ;)

Anyway. I just had to share because I'm so excited :D 

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