2nd Trimester

I must attract the crazies...

This is not a rant just an observation I've made... Tonight after our Labor and Delivery Class DH and I decided to stop for a quick bite to eat... of course "the baby" was hungry... while we were eating I noticed an older couple watching us and smiling.... no big deal... on our way out of the restaurant we walked past their table smiled and nodded, I smiled back...big mistake.  They decided that that smile was the go ahead to engage us in conversation, they asked if I was expecting, the gender, blah blah.. all the normal questions... after about a 5 minute conversation the woman tells me that she gets a good spiritual vibe from me and she can tell I was reincarnated and that I am psychic, and that LO is too!  What the H*LL?!?! And he husband got up to hug DH ( I think he is traumatized).... I swear people say the strangest things, or I must attract the crazies!  I guess I learned a valuable lesson tonight, never, never make eye contact, lol
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